[NR] What is in a Name?

Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair donnchadh at cornelius.norman.ok.us
Wed Sep 15 07:21:45 PDT 2010

With the changing winds of fall a word is whispered softly. Can
you hear it calling in your heart? Can you feel it stirring your
blood?It is home. Our home. The winds, powerful and mighty; the
land, fertile and giving; the rivers, determined and ever moving. We
are her people and she has gifted us with her strengths. Our warriors
fight with the awesome force of a tempest. Our artisans, so full of
knowledge are always willing to give and to teach. Our workers are
slowly shaping this land through love and devotion. These are our
kinsmen; these are our friends.

We are called. We are chosen. We will promise to tomorrow what we
work to build today.

That wind is whispering her name in your heart. Come, share it
with us so that together, as her people, we can all stand; fill the
night with her true name; and give her the glory that she has given us. *

Good people of the Northern Region:
At 10:00 on Friday night of Mooneschadowe Triumph, close to the hall, 
there will be a gathering of people to discuss the true name by which 
our Region will be known.  A name that our friends and foes alike will 
hold in their hearts in remembrance of the deeds we have done.  A name 
that the Known World will hear shouted with pride as we take the battle 

All are invited to take place in this discussion as this is OUR name 
that we choose for ourselves.  A final decision will NOT be made at this 
meeting.  This is but a start in the process, and we hope that ideas and 
constructive discussion will continue on the regional list and at future 
events.  Please feel free to pass this missive on to other lists.

In Service to Crown, Kingdom, and Region,
HE Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair

*opening poem by HL Danielle de Marseilles

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