[NR] The Ansteorran Wiki

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah zubeydah at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 09:10:51 PST 2011

(My apologies to those who also subscribe to the Northkeep and
Mooneschadowe lists, as this will be a duplicate message for them)


Did you know that Ansteorra has a wiki?  (It does! Here it is:
http://historian.ansteorra.org/wiki )

Did you know that you could be a part of it?  (Here's who already has a
page: http://historian.ansteorra.org/wiki/index.php?title=Category:People
You can also add information to existing pages!)

Did you know that having a wiki page is as easy as filling out a
questionnaire and sending it to me?  (See below - please send it to me off
list: zubeydah at gmail.com)

I'd like to invite y'all to take a look at the wiki. It's still got a lot
of growing to do, but it can only grow with help from the Ansteorran
community. If you are interested in becoming an active contributor,
creating your own wiki account is very easy: Just email Robert Fitzmorgan,
the Historian:  (Historian at ansteorra.org)

I will also be attending WinterKingdom in Northkeep, and hope to collect
information there.

In nerdy service,

-zubeydah jamilla al-badawiyyah

PS: Would anyone be willing to forward this to the Adlersruhe and Eldern
Hills lists?

__Wiki Questionnaire__
* What is your full SCA Name?
* Have you used other names in the Society?
* Is your current or prior name registered?
* Do you have a registered device and/or badge?
* What time period and country is your current persona from?
* Do you have a persona history/story?

* When did you join the SCA?
* What regional/local group are you _currently_ a member of?
* What regional/local/Kingdom groups have you been a member of in the past?
* Are you affiliated with any households or individuals (Ie: Married to,
squired to, member of house, etc)

* What offices have you held?
* What singular honors have you won? (Competitions, special projects of
benefit to the group/kingdom,

* What are your interests in the SCA? Do you have photographs of your work
you'd like to include?

* Do you have a favorite photograph of yourself in garb? Do you know the
name of/have contact info for the photographer?

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