[NR] Crown Tourney this weekend

Kevinkeary kevinkeary at aol.com
Wed Jul 6 07:57:22 PDT 2011

I hope there is going to be shade.

After the hooraw last year, I think the saner compromise suggestions like renting a huge roof-only pavilion to cover the list field were lost in the arguing between the dangers of heat and sun versus the dangers of artificial floors versus tradition and the exact connotation of the word 'machismo'.

It's going to be 106 in Mobeetie today. Saturday the predicted high is 105 (conveniently, higher than the 101 for Friday OR the 102 for Sunday), with southerly 17mph winds. Hydrate early. Hydrate often. Even if, like me, you're only spectator/support.

Have I mentioned that the Gobi is the third coldest desert in the world lately? Only the polar deserts are colder. Mongol garb is not well-suited to Ansteorran summers.

See you there. But be careful.


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