[NR] northern names process

SBarrett barrett1 at cox.net
Thu Jun 30 20:50:40 PDT 2011

Couple of points...

Emma Featherstan stopped in to let us know that many of the names were not 
viable from a heraldic point of view and suggested that we (the north) were 
going about this all wrong - backwards, I believe, was her description

I responded that a.) the process was not as simple as one person sending in 
a name for themselves but was instead a massive group effort,( and had been 
handled fairly well, all things considered)...
 and b.) the heralds of the region ought to get involved.

Nearly a year has passed and now we find few of the proposed names would 
stand a chance.
We should have known this 6 months ago.

For the heraldic community to tell us we were going about it the wrong way 
now, after all this time, is frankly a little troublesome.

I made a few suggetions as to how they might do that, but I did not intend 
to suggest restarting the entire process. If I did, I apologize for writing 
so poorly and miscommunicating my intentions.

I'm saying the region needs her heralds to step up. This is their 
department, after all, and they will have final say. Better to get their say 
up front rather than slamming our heads against the unyielding Wall of 
Conflict for another year.

And - they should start with the names currently under consideration and 
tell why they do or don't have a shot at acceptance.

If they are doing this, they have my thanks and gratitude, as do the 
Northern Landeds who have helped assure this was a calm and professional 

Wyndlehall (Windy Hill) is an actual Old English Name. I would like to see 
the heralds debate names like Hrithmarc (Tempest Land) and Cyrmoden (Noisy 
If they can't make any of the current names work, they could at least try to 
give some viable alternatives based on the original names suggested.

If this message seemed a bit harsh, I apologize. Emma telling Cassius this 
process was backward, as well as the idea some might want to restart, got me 
a little upset.

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