[NR] Fort Work Day

Cody Chezem bolverk187 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 16 07:13:46 PDT 2012

This coming Sunday, April 22nd, assuming the weather cooperates, I will be out 
at the Will Rogers Scout Camp to work on the fort project. If you are not able 
attend coronation or will be back in time come on out and lend a hand. I plan to 
be on site at 10 am. At this time about 3/4 of the wall sections are up. Once 
the remaining sections are up we will start on the details, gates and 
crenelations. Bring gloves, hats and sunscreen. If you have tools that you think 
will be usefull you are welcome to bring them as well.

Hope to see you there.

 There are few problems that can not be solved with the proper application of 

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