[NR] Campsites for Baronial

kajira camber kajiracamber at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 08:45:12 PST 2012

Isolde, Here are some key questions that I can think of right now.  Thanks
for helping this get started and checking on these for us.

Populace members,
With so many scouts/camp fire sites closing or becoming more restricted
and/or expensive, we need to find new places.  I figure this could be
useful for all of you that are willing to help and try to compile data re:
campsites in the state.  It might be easier to see if they have an e-mail
that you can send a list of questions to.

Barony mailing list,
If you would like to share this with your members, I would like to compile
a database of campsites for the Region, but if other regions give me data,
then I will make one for the Kingdom.

Ultimately, remember...we only NEED land.  The cost of the site and
type/amount of land is the ultimate restriction.  If they don't have a
kitchen (we started doing festival finger food during the chivalric
competition at Wiesenfeuer Baronial, so don't need a feast hall) we can
cook outside on grills/microwaves.  If they don't have restrooms, we can
rent privies.  If they don't have showers, we can rig up showers like we do
at wars.  if they don't have cabins...well...that has never been a
AREAS.  I would love to include that type of info in the database.  Will
start up a Facebook group so we can track what campsites we have checked
into, share forms and pictures, etc.  If you don't have Facebook, feel free
to send me the info and I will add to the list.

Kajira Camber
Baroness and Webminister of Wiesenfeuer

Questions for Campsites

1.    Open to not for profit groups for renting

2.    Is it closed to non-group participants (i.e. will other 'campers' be
allowed to stay on grounds)

3.    Is it a flat rate charge or a per person charge

a.    Flat rate: How much for Friday 2:00 thru Sunday Noon

                                          i.    If extra costs per
building, how much for:

1.    Grounds only

2.    Bathrooms

3.    Showers

4.    Kitchen

5.    Hall

6.    Cabins

7.    Classrooms

8.    Pavilion

                                        ii.    Is extra cost for weekend or
per night

b.    Per person charge

                                          i.    Cost per person

                                        ii.    Is cost for weekend or per

                                       iii.    Is there an additional
charge for tent camping

1.    Is it per person or per tent

2.    Is it per night

4.    Sleeping arrangements

a.    Do they allow tent camping

                                          i.    Is there potable water in
tent area

                                        ii.    Is there accessible
electricity in tent area

1.    If not, will they allow extension cords for people with medical
device needs (ie CPAP)

b.    Do they have cabins

                                          i.    How many

                                        ii.    Does it have

1.    Electricity

2.    Water

3.    Bathrooms

4.    Heater

5.    Air Conditioner

6.    Beds (how many)

7.    Individual rooms or barrack style

                                       iii.    Wheelchair accessible

c.    Any local hotel/motels?

5.    Food

a.    Is there a kitchen

                                          i.    Does it have

1.    Microwave

2.    Oven (how many)

3.    Stove (how many)

4.    Walk in

5.    Fridge

6.    Dishwasher

7.    Warmer

8.    Broiler

9.    Other:

b.    Do they allow alcohol on premises

c.    Do they provide/have

                                          i.    Serving platters/bowls

                                        ii.    Utensils

                                       iii.    Pots/Pans

                                       iv.    Cleaning supplies

6.    Restrooms/Shower Houses

a.    Are the facilities clean

b.    Do they have modern restroom facilities

                                          i.    How many male/female
WORKING toilets

                                        ii.    How many sinks in each

c.    Are there showers available

                                          i.    How many

                                        ii.    Variable water temperature

                                       iii.    Handicapped accessible

7.    Pets

a.    Do they allow ‘non-service’ pets on site

                                          i.    Any restrictions

                                        ii.    Any requirements

b.    Do they allow service animals on site

8.    Directions to site

a.    How long to closest interstate

b.    How long to closest town

9.    Anything else we need to know about site

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Isolde Lytwyn <isoldelytwyn at yahoo.com>wrote:

> What is the criteria for a campsite for Baronial?  I found a list of
> campsites in Oklahoma here: http://www.outdoorsok.com/Oklahoma/Campgrounds.
> I can call these campgrounds and narrow down the list for you if I know
> better of what you are looking for.
> Thanks!
> Lady Isolde

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