[NR] A Namron MoC and Deputy's jobs well done!

Pukhta 'Pooky' Lovtsevich pookyloves at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 13:07:49 PDT 2012

Most beloved Loving Barony of Namron, Hard Working Canton of
Skorragardr, Northern-Most Region of Ansteorra, Stellar Kingdom of
Ansteorra, and all Her Ships at sea,

As Ansteorra's Northern Regional Minister of our Future, I would at
this time express heartfelt gratitude to Lord Kiernan Ashta Namron's
Minister of Children and Lady Lori Kristina Kazee Namron's Deputy
Minister of Children for their fine and excellent service to the
Children, Youths, and Minors of our Good Kingdom!

If it is in accordance to the Will of Baronessa Caterina Giovanni di'
Gilead and Barone Orlando Giovanni di' Gilead, I shall now accept
applications regarding the Barony of Namron's office of Minister of

Respect and Loving Gratitude,
Honorable Baron Puktha 'Pookie' Lovtsevich ~ Ansteorra's Northern
Region Minister of Children - CR


"Because everyone derserves someone, who wont betray their trust." ---> Pooky

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