[NR] Mustering the Northern Rapier Army

Daniel Pupek dan at agilejedi.com
Thu Nov 8 14:27:57 PST 2012

Greetings All,
    With the clatter of Trimarian steel growing louder on the horizon and
the winds of war growing stronger, it's time we prepare. I have the honor
to be this year's commander of rapier forces for the North at Gulf Wars.
The Ansteorran Rapier General is Don Cael.

Soon, I will be sending out a schedule of northern regional practices and a
link where everyone can go to muster in. If anyone would like to host a
regional practice locally, just let me know. In the mean time I need the
commanders from each of the local groups in the North to contact me at
orlando at agilejedi.com.

I will be putting together some of my notes on rapier melees here:

This document will grow over the next few weeks.

Finally, I'd like to say that I look forward to seeing everyone at the
regional practices and at GWs. If you are a chiv fighter who has considered
crossing over, this is the time to do it! I myself fight both chiv and
rapier at GWs and encourage everyone to do the same if possible.

in service,

HE Orlando Giovanni di' Gilead
Baron of Namron
Northern Regional Rapier Commander

Checkout my blog @ http://blog.agilejedi.com
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