[NR] Wolf Bites Tavern at Wiesenfeuer Baronial

Cody Chezem bolverk187 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 23 21:55:50 PDT 2012


I am happy to announce that Wolf Bites Tavern will be serving meals at 
Wiesenfeuer Baronial. On Saturday we will be serving breakfast, lunch and 
dinner. Saturday morning start your day with a good breakfast of scrambled eggs 
with cheese and sausage. Saturday for lunch Ly. Dirgelion will be serving her 
famous meat pies as well as chicken noodle soup. For the evening meal on 
Saturday Centurion Johan will have prepared pulled pork and pulled chicken along 
with his famous barbecue sauce. Along with this we will be serving coleslaw and 
baked beans 

The following would be the cost for these fine meal.
Scrambled Eggs with Cheese and Sausage    $3.00

Meat Pie        $4. 00
Chicken Noodle Soup    $3.00

Pulled Pork and Pulled Chicken with Coleslaw and Baked Beans    $8.00

All of this will be served while supplies last.

Co-Alpha of house Wolfstar

 There are few problems that can not be solved with the proper application of 

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