[NR] Parking at Crown Tourney

Doug Copley doug.copley at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 09:21:55 PST 2013


I know that there are a number of Archers that are not on the Kingdom
Archery list so I wanted to send this out here also.

The Archery community has been helping out at Crown Tourney and at
Coronation with Parking, basically a front gate greeter.

Frequently the parking is different and people are not pulling in to site
setting up camp and stuff and they do not know where to park, where troll
is, or where things are going to be happening, this is where we come in!

We have people out there to greet people and help them.

We only do this in the morning during the rush when people are running late
and have no idea where they are going.

We still have two slots open on the 10am to Noon time frame.

If you are interested please contact me.


PS you get to carry your bow or crossbow while you do this and the mundanes
really love to stop and talk and ask questions:-)

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