[NR] Jerry Herring

Jerry Herring j.t.herring at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 1 22:05:03 PDT 2020




Yes, screens may play a role in the decline. But Tarshis says “technology doesn’t have to be the enemy.” For kids who love their computers, phones or tablets, she suggests using them as an aid to open new portals. For example, if they follow YouTuber Mike Wilson (formerly known as Coma Niddy), who raps about math and science, look for books on the topics he explores (string theory or how to find water bears, perhaps?).

Portable is funny term for these. Yes, they do roll, but you’re probably not going to want to move it around everyday since you’ll have to connect it to a window and power source. That being said, it is a whole lot easier than moving a window unit.

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