I would like to comment on sweatpants. Many of the Knights wear them. My husband wears them and get no grief from the knights and Pelicans. Now I get grief from the Laurels.They think I should do better. Laurels and apprentices are suppose to wear a higher level of costuming. Because in the SCA we learn by sharing and seeing. When we look at a Laurel or a Laurel want to be or someone clothed by a Laurel the populace assumes that it is period wear. Nobles and Peer need to be at a higher level because they set the standards. People think it is very unfair if they get criticize for doing something that someone on a higher level gets away with. Willow ________________________________________________________________________ Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month! Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage. Visit http://www.juno.com/value to sign up today!