NK - Personas

Susan O'Neal shamrock at intcon.net
Sun Aug 8 09:41:35 PDT 1999

>Susan the [fill in the blank] is a perfectly period naming practice, BTW.
>(the Heralds call it some funny name, but they still let us register
>them.)  The question is, what do fill in the blank with.
>Here is my first question, and I apologize if you have mentioned it before,
>but I do have the attention span of a gnat at time.  How long
>have you been playing in the SCA?  My general rule is not to rush 
>into giving yourself a name.  You might just want to be Susan of Northkeep
>for a while (months even) until you find a name that you just simply love
>and wouldn't mind being called for the rest of your SCA career...or until
>you decide to change it again.  But be warned, changing names is easier 
>said than done.  The first time is somewhat easy, the later name changes
>harder.  (Unless you don't mind people always forgetting what your 
>current name might be.)

We have been around for a month and a half now and I do know the warning
about rushing into things, but it strikes me as funny as to how it is always
followed by but you will need to pick something or you will end up with
something and names stick.  Is this amorphus time frame at aproxamatly 3-6
  I just
>mouthed off, "Fine, just call me Giovanni Antonio...how's that?  I'll come
>up with something better later."
>Well, later never came, and I decided that I really liked the clothes,
>history, and politics of Florence around 1380-1425.  And the name stuck.
>And, because I followed the heraldic rule "if you don't use it, why 
>register it", I dropped "Antonio" when I decided to register my name and device
>And that's how it all began, lo those many years ago.  *sob*
>p.s.  Oh, and I wanted to be called Gianni, cus it sounds like "Jonny"
>if you say it fast with a Texas accent.  But that didn't happen either.

I like Gianni.  It is so funny, Gio just seems to fit you so well.  I have
difficulty seeing you as a Nathan.  Kit is currently looking at a late
period persona from Genoa.  If nothing else, her diving into names is great
for her to get an overview of history in all the given areas.

Another question, has anyone ever pulled off a Native American persona?
There were representatives of different tribes taken back in the 1500's, so
it shouldn't be difficult to document.  With my 1/4 Cherokee, I couldn't
pull it off but was curious.

shamrock at intcon.net

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