NK - What an AoA means Was: The Guideing Hand...Peers

marc-carlson at utulsa.edu marc-carlson at utulsa.edu
Tue Aug 10 10:16:10 PDT 1999

Quoting \"Rebecca M. Heydon\" <rebecca-heydon at utulsa.edu>:
> Rowan
> (who is slightly embarrassed....)

What\'s to be embarrassed about?  New people have every 
right to believe what they are told by people who\'ve 
been around a while.  Certainly, they may be passing 
along what they\'ve been told, or old info, or (I expect 
in your case) info from another kingdom which might be 
slightly different.  That\'s why they should ask a lot of 
different people (unless of course, -I- tell them, in 
which case, they are expected to immeadiately accept it 
as carved in stone gospel *ahem*).

Whatsherface is a herald.  They HAVE to learn that junk.
The rest of us, not so much.


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