NK - Drape and Pillage

Hugh & Belinda Niewoehner the_burg at busprod.com
Mon Dec 20 16:27:32 PST 1999

Damon will second this.  

The locals even provide quarters for those of us they call "The Rus".  
The King even decided he could trust our kind more than his own people
(as long as he paid well) and so was formed The Varengian Guard.

Can't remember a whole lot else though.  This part of the voyage was
Damon's turn to be ill. (Not enough mead and too much heathen food.) 

	Damon Hroarson

>   >>
> Mikligard ... is no legend good lady!!! I've seen it with my own eyes.
> It is a great city with massive stone walls and large houses that
> the locals call kathidrawls. It is the settlement of a great chieftain
> who pays well for Scandinavian warriors. Anything one can imagine
> can be had there for the right price. The locals call this place-----
> Beezantioom.
>                         Thorgrim
>                  ( who visited there as a young man aboard his Uncle's ship)

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