NK - She's back, and a little poorer..

Aline Swynbrook alineswynbrook at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 3 10:48:49 PDT 1999

Hello everyone, it's Aline, who's presence is only
felt via computer.

I just got back from the KC Renaissance Faire, and had
a mixed time.  I got to see Tullamore, who was
suggested (Thanks to whoever that was, I had seen one
of the members when she was in Bully Ruse and
Clandestine, and I loved there show!!!!), and also the
Dregs of Dublin, also wonderfully hilarious (did
Johnny Jump Up, a favorite of mine).  I also viewed
some lovely jousting and the Wedding of the Century,
where 17 couples (all the two of which attempted garb)
were married or renewed vows.  It was lovely.  

You maybe saying, That sounds fabulous, what could
have spoiled it?
Well, I wanted to take a large amount of money, both
to shop for myself and for a few friends, which my
parents were reluctant about.  So against my better
judgement, instead of putting all of it in my pouch,
which never leaves my wrist, I put the larger
denomination in my inner underskirt pocket.  Well, an
hour into the faire, it fell out without my notice. 
So, I lost $130.00.  I did get to get a hat (I didn't
feel like attmpting one anytime soon, so I bought a
nice tam), some marbles for my little sister, and my
luch and dinner.  I missed out on a faire t-shirt, the
three celtic pendants I was buying as b-day gifts of
people, and a few other small things I wanted.

So, upon discovering this, I ran (which is hard in
garb, with the mud and the unwater treated mocs
factor)to the lost and found.  They still have my name
and what I lost, but I don't expect to see it again. 
Off I went to a secluded area, and sat down, trying
not to cry.  Low and behold, a faire employee walked
by and noticed my sad face.  He said, "You look much
to solemn, mi'lady."  I answered I wasn't having a
good day  Taking in my boots, he made the assumption,
"It must be the weather."  Off he went and I thought
about that statement.  He was right, the trip could
only be totally ruined by it pouring rain or
something.  So I picked myself up, went and got some
lunch, and started attending the free stuff like shows
and what not.  And I'll be darned, I had a good time
(though I did catch a cold).  So, I like to think
someone who needed the money got it, and I know the
necklaces will be late, but I can mail order them.  

Well, this is long.  I hope everyone had a good time

Aline, who is off to take a nice hot bath, then
attempt de-mudding her garb.

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