NK - Was Pillaging Prose-Now the Holidays

KTMC ktmc at icok.net
Wed Sep 15 00:26:15 PDT 1999

Your Excellency posted, in part;
 The feedback from the
> Drape & Pillage continues to entertain me, so we must do it again!  Day
> after Christmas, anyone?  BIG sale then!
>                                         Catrin
>                                         Already spending Christmas
>                                         money not yet received
<end snippage>
It wasn't long ago I noticed that the Northern Region Toy Tourney will
be in Northkeep Thanksgiving Weekend. I am hoping that a basketball
tournament this way that weekend is just a pre-season money-making ploy,
not something that has to be broadcast. Does anyone know if the site
will be in Tulsa proper?


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