NK - what a storm!

Tony And Catherine Lackey catan at webzone.net
Sat Sep 11 00:23:10 PDT 1999

LdyCalais at aol.com wrote:
> Ummm if any of you out there have any suggestions for me.....Let's have em!
> I floundering!            E~d~C

	I've taken care of it in my previous message to Craig.  You can
do your part by compiling an extensive list of gifts such as jewelry,
furs, bolts of silk and linen in the colors of your choice, a floor plan
of the manor house of your dreams (not less than 8500 sq. ft., with
landscaped acreage around it, and don't forget the maze), the luxurious
conveyance in which you two and your daughter will drive to events, plus 
anything else that I may have overlooked that is essential for your
comfort and happiness.  You'll either be 'un-affianced' in record time
or living a fabulous lifestyle.  If it's the latter, I'm moving in with

					Baroness Catrin
					It never hurts to make 					unreasonable demands, you might
					get them

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