NK - OT- FYI to Lilies attendees [CALONTIR] Be aware - Lilies tick makes good

Tristan de Rochebrune jrmapes at ckt.net
Wed Jun 28 22:21:05 PDT 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: "lhiannan" <lhiannan at SOUND.NET>
To: <CALONTIR at crcvms.unl.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 8:59 PM
Subject: [CALONTIR] Be aware - Lilies tick makes good

> Jarl Rorik isn't on CalonNet, so he asked me to let folks know that
> Countess Morgana is on antibiotics from a tick bite at Lilies.  She should
> be fine, but he wanted everybody to be sure to see a doctor if any similar
> symptoms appear.
> It wasn't Lyme disease, as everyone (including her doctor) expected; it's
> something called Ehrlichiosis.
> Between what I found from the CDC site and what Morgana describes,
> include low-grade fever, headache, malaise, muscle aches.  The bacteria
> infects white blood cells and may cause swelling of a lymph node near the
> bite, and/or a ring around the bite similar to Lyme. This is apparently
> carried by our native ticks; reported cases are rare, but increasing, in
> this area.
> The incubation period can be up to 10 days, and unlike Lyme, which takes
> its time, this one gets nasty fast if you don't get the antibiotics.  One
> description I found listed as high as 50% hospitalization rates.
> doctor said something about fatality rates.
> Be sure to see a doctor if you have been having symptoms like these; and
> back to the doctor if you got antibiotics for a suspected Lyme infection
> and it didn't get better; the Ehrlichiosis infection needs a different
> antibiotic.
> Lhiannan

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