NK - Baronial Gathering

Jerry Herring herring at viagrafix.net
Tue Jun 13 19:20:25 PDT 2000

Greetings all,

Saturday the 17th (this coming Saturday) we (Kelandra and Ian) are hosting a
Baronial get together here in Pryor.

This gathering is for the purpose of doing painting of Wall hangings for the
feast hall and having fun. I will have all the painting supplies ready for
people when they get here. We can paint for the day and party afterwards, we
can even burn meat!!

I was planning to start it around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. So that the
fighters could get some fighting done in the morning then head over. If you
would like we could just move practice over here the building we will be
painting in has lots of room for both painting and fighting.

Garb is optional, mundanes are preferred, If you come please dress in
clothes that you don't mind getting paint on. We have bath rooms you can
clean up in if you need to change later but no showers.

It will be a lot of fun and the more people who show up the more painting we
can do.

If you would like directions please email or call.

I will post more details tomorrow.

In Service,

Laird Ian Dun Gillan
Jerry Herring
email: herring at viagrafix.net
phone:(918) 825-2096

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