NK - Are you interested?

Kevinkeary@aol.com Kevinkeary at aol.com
Fri Nov 10 13:24:29 PST 2000

Depending on the time frame and my schedule I would truly love to see this 
begin again and would be very interested in participating.  Commitments have 
kept me from participating on the level that I would like and this might be a 
way of getting back into the swing again.  Let me know how things are 
progressing with this.  Thanks for jumping in and getting this idea out 
there.  Will Livia be involved with getting it going again as well?

> Greetings,
>      I, recently, spoke to HL Livia about a "cook's guild" in Northkeep.  
>  has given me tons of info and the encouragement to begin "again".  So, 
> before 
>  I proceed, I would like to know if there is any interest in this subject 
>  if any would be willing to participate?  I have spoken to a few of you and 
>  do remember (senility hasn't gotten me yet but the fever may)!  Please let 
> me 
>  know your wishes for having yet another thing to attend and we will go 
>  there!
>                                          Sincerely,
>                                             Lady Elisabeth de Calais

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