NK - Fabric swap

sdrake steldr at home.net
Tue Nov 14 11:03:12 PST 2000

So we would bring the pieces we were willing to trade???  I might be
interested in that.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: owner-northkeep at ansteorra.org
[mailto:owner-northkeep at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of Rebecca Heydon
    Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 12:50 PM
    To: Northkeep
    Subject: NK - Fabric swap


    Had this weird thought....

    Would anyone be interested in getting together some time to swap fabric?
I have a hefty cabinet full of fabric I've been given or have bought and
have never used (and probably never will).  If someone else would use it,
I'd be more than happy to give it to them.

    The group I played with in Calontir used to do this every other month
and it became quite a huge thing with lots of cool stuff.

    Anyway, there it is....

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