NK - Looking for a home for..

Anawyn at aol.com Anawyn at aol.com
Thu Apr 26 16:08:07 PDT 2001

Anybody know of anyone who would just love to have an electric organ? We 
inherited one from Steve's Mom years ago, and no one knows how to play a 
note. And come on, there's not a chance that we will ever learn, if we 
haven't by now.
It is Gulbranson, and was a rather pricey one when she bought it. It is in 
excellent condition - this one was not played all that much. She kept it at 
the lake house (they had two of EVERYthing-one for here, one for the lake), 
so only used it occasionally.
If you, or anyone you know, or some needy small church you know of, would 
like to have it, we will give it away. It is just silly to have it sit here 
with no one to use or enjoy it.
Let me know if you want to give it a home!
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