[Northkeep] Re:Sad news about Angharad VerRuwan

Jennifer Carlson talana1 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 25 08:07:25 PDT 2001

Lady Angharad was well-known in both the scholastic and SCA worlds as an
authority on medieval cookery (and many other topics besides).  She was fun
to talk with, and a real lady.  I respected her, and was shocked to read of
her death.  She was a professor of mathematics.

Oldtimers around here remember her husband, Lord Hossein al Qomi, the
Persian court herald.  Due to mundane jobs and his poor health, neither of
them have been active in the last few years, save on SCA lists.  They often
came into the bookstore where I work.

Please keep Hossein in your thoughts and prayers.  He has serious heart
trouble, and this will certainly strain his already fragile health.

Requiescat in pacem,

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