[Northkeep] Greetings to Northkeep

Burke McCrory burkemc2 at home.com
Thu May 24 21:08:43 PDT 2001

Greetings to the Good people of Northkeep,

I just wanted to drop you a note and say that I am very sadden by what has
happened to your Baron and Baroness.  They are two of the most wonderful
and honorable people it has been my privilege to know in my 23 years in the
SCA.  They may be gone from sight for now but will always be in our
hearts.  I know that you are working hard to deal with these events and the
raw emotions that they have caused.    Northkeep has been the brightest
star shining in the Ansteorra Sky for the past five years and I know that
you will regroup and go onto even greater things in the days and weeks to
come.  I just wanted to say that you have my support for whatever you do.

Baron Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald, op

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