[Northkeep] Newbie-College-Type-Person

XSadeDelacroixX@aol.com XSadeDelacroixX at aol.com
Wed Nov 7 18:17:21 PST 2001

Merry meet and greetings all.
        Thanks to everyone that wrote to me. You are all wonderful people. And to all those that didn't write or message me, poo on you. hehe. No, I'm just kidding. All of you are great, and I am just glad someone wrote me! Hopefully one day I will get to meet you all and spin you a tale around the campfire. Or fight you in honourable combat. Or invite you to court when I become king. hehe. High hopes I have. =P

  May the Journey be fair, and your Lives long lifed.

             ~~Baidwan the Long-Winded

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