[Northkeep] kids things

Susan catmafia at swbell.net
Thu Nov 22 23:27:15 PST 2001

         I am working with Jim to figure out if he might come and bring Peg
for late afternoon so she can be at the investiture court and feast; and
she would also like to make any children's activities that are
planned.  Does anyone know when these are to be and what they might
be?  She has been having some problems with her asthma and doesn't feel up
to the whole day and Kit and I don't want to miss anything.

         I am also hoping I can get Jim into coming to feast, so we can get
him into at least one aspect of the SCA.  He has so little free time to do
the things he enjoys and I miss having him with us; I am looking for things
in the SCA that he would enjoy enough to come out. As I know of no period
links courses that is out and if they pull off a period fishing outing for
next years Margrave I can probably get him to it: but other than these
interests food is the one thing I am most likely to get him with.

Wondering how long after his first feast he will put in a bid to do one,


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