[Northkeep] Books and Headgear question

Marc Carlson marccarlson20 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 21 07:21:43 PST 2002

>From: Donna Hufford <dhufford at earthlink.net>
>'Medieval Costume of France and England in the 13th, 14th and 15th
> >Century' by Mary G. Houston

I seem to recall that Houston was generally ok.

>'Medieval Costume and Fashion' by Herbert Norris
>Has anyone seen or used these books and were they helpful?

Norris is like nitroglycerin.  He can be useful, but you should you be very
careful unless you want him to blow up in your face.  He had a lot of good
information, but he was also willing to make things up to fill in the blanks
(and then not tell you which is which).


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