[Northkeep] Mini Tourney/Fighter Practice Thanks!

Robert Stewart skerritheviking at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 13 20:35:16 PDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You are quite welcome, my friend.  It was a joy to fight with you.  Yes, my waist did get a bruise.

Montega Blackdragon <montega_blackdragon at hotmail.com> wrote:Had a great time today and wanted to say thanks to you both for opening your
home to us. The food was great and the bread was excellent! See you soon!


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Lord Skerri Valtorsson, Esq.
Incipientalmost Canton of Chemin Noir
Barony of Northkeep
Kingdom of Ansteorra

Praise no sword before wet, no ale before drunk, nor ice before crossed

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