[Northkeep] Boxing Day

April Gillilan agillilan at swbell.net
Wed Dec 17 08:11:36 PST 2003

It’s that time of year again!  Spend Christmas with your family, and then
come over and spend Boxing Day with your friends!  How much more fun can the
holidays be?  :-)


For what could possibly be the last time in Stillwater, Jean Paul (Carl) and
I will be hosting a Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) party at our house.
There will be the typical and traditional feasting and festivities
happening, along with any other activities you may have gotten for Christmas
that you want to show off to everyone.  :-)   We will be feeding everyone a
traditional Christmas dinner (turkey, ham, taters, casseroles, pies, etc) in
appreciation of being our friends and supporting us throughout the year, so
there is no need to bring anything.  (Except you, Ox.  You should bring some
beer, and root beer. LOL)


We are contemplating beginning around 5pm, with the trough to open around
7pm.  Feel free to come and go, or arrive early, but be prepared to be put
to work if you arrive too early!  :-)  


May your holiday season be festive,


Gilyan and Jean Paul

(April and Carl)

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