LD.BLACKMOON ld.blackmoon at gbronline.com
Tue Dec 2 23:29:25 PST 2003

greetings , 
sorry if some people get this more than once, but i have sent it to the northkeep list @ 7:40 pm and  @ 11:05 pm. on dec 2 nd .
it is now 1:25 am dec 3 and i still haven't seen my original post .
so i'm trying again ..


with wiesenfeuer yule revel this saturday some of you hidden archers may have been wondering if there would be an archery practice on sunday...
yes !!!!
 there will be an archery practice !!!

i will be at yule , but will be back in time for archery practice !!!
having just looked at the ansteorran royal round scores , i find ,to my great dismay , not 1 northkeep name to recognize ....

seeing this people might believe that the northern border is protected only by fighter types bundled up in insulated armor .
i however have been informed repeatedly that  northkeep has many good archers ...

????  , if this is so , then come on out and scare some targets !!!

so far , we have only had 1 sunday @ or below freezing ( yea !!!! ) 

your baronial archery marshal ( diethelm ) is even as we speak , trying to acquire the rights to use an indoor range , so that the thermally challenged may shoot in comfort ;}~~   

at this time , i'm holding royal rounds every sunday , but hope to have an " away " shoot scheduled soon . for those wanting to carpool . 

be safe , be happy, have fun
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