[Northkeep] Anyone for Bardic Guild?

DulcetKitten at aol.com DulcetKitten at aol.com
Tue Jul 22 21:26:48 PDT 2003

Actually....funny you should ask.  I'm currenly in the works on hosting a 
Bardic at my house.  Seeing as I'm the Title Bard I should probably put out the 
effort first. :)  Anyway, I'm looking at Friday, August 8.  I know this might 
be short notice for some, but I hope this will become a regular event (even if 
we have to have it at other's houses).  I have a moderate sized living room 
and if we get crowded we can always go into my nice, flat backyard and circle up 
the chairs!  Oh, yeah....bring your chairs just in case. :)  

If this is a bad date/conflicts with another event, somebody please tell me!  
If not, then I will post further details as necessary.  
Kasha Ivanova
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