[Northkeep] Rapier melee roundtable at Winterkingdom

Theresa Kwasny thkwasny at cox-internet.com
Thu Nov 6 10:56:14 PST 2003

Many of you have looked over the class schedule of wInterkingdom at
You may be asking why the Rapier Melee Roundtable is scheduled over lunch.

The short answer:  I have food.

Longer answer: If the weather permits, we will spend some time outside and
actually practice some melee tactics and then retire back inside for food
(provided by me) and discussion.  If the weather is cold and wet, we’ll skip
straight to the eating and talking, even though we don’t need any practice
at either of those activities (at least I don’t).

The weather is just now turning cold, but that means spring will be here
before we know it, and the best thing about spring is
Gulf War!!!  Come to
wInterkingdom to prepare for Gulf War (and nosh with your friends!)

Hey!  You know those questions you have always wanted to ask your regional
rapier marshal (about rapier combat, of course), but were afraid to ask ;)
The roundtable would be a great place to talk to me!

Therese Maria Giovanni
Northern Regional Rapier Commander for Gulf War
Northern Regional Rapier Marshal
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