[Northkeep] New to SCA

Lisa Tilley lisa_tilley68 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 17 14:49:35 PST 2003

Why yes..I believe you do :)

Angus Mac <angusmacn at yahoo.com> wrote:Hey Dont I know you...?

LRA <lra at olpdsl.net> wrote:
Welcome to Northkeep.
There are several folks with Russian personas; I'm sure they can offer you help in the finding info area. 
I'm glad you'll be at populace; I hope to meet you.
Lynn the Inquisitive
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lisa Tilley 
To: Northkeep at ansteorra.org 
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 12:51 PM
Subject: [Northkeep] New to SCA

Hello Northkeepers!!!!
  I am new to the group.  I have been to 2 fighter practices and am planning on attending populace next Monday.  I have picked a name, it is:  Nastas'ya Elena Ivanovich and I'm 15th century.  Is there anyone out there who could point me in the right directions for garb of that time period.  

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