[Northkeep] device conflict.... too many e-mails

Graue, Chris Chris.Graue at benham.com
Mon Oct 13 07:40:17 PDT 2003

(they don't let us use those at work... I'm not even supposed to be doing
"personal" stuff with this "work e-mail")
shhhhhhhhhh.... don't tell!
If you think THIS is bad, I belong to a VW Bus group and THEY can get
chatty! I dread Mondays, not only for the reason we always dread Mondays,
but because I get 100+ messages to sift through.
Besides, I, for one, like being able to spy on these conversations because I
hadn't a clue what they were talking about when they started... I still
don't completely know, but at least now I HAVE a clue... and it saved the
smart ones from having to explain separately to different people the same
Chris the bombarded

-----Original Message-----
From: DulcetKitten at aol.com [mailto:DulcetKitten at aol.com]

Hahahaha....I come home and there's 52 emails from you guys.  Might I
suggest that if you're online at the same time a chat program might help you
get responses faster back and forth?  There's lots of free ones :)  Hehe. 

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