[Northkeep] taxes ??

LD.BLACKMOON ld.blackmoon at gbronline.com
Thu Jan 8 15:38:35 PST 2004


> I'm guessing that Gilyan has said it enough times she probably didn't even think about it.

i guess that's one of the problems of running a free for all or multi -event ,event. 
you have some people looking at it as the 
" kingdom arts and sciences " event .
and trying to make sure that all the artsy types are going to follow the rules for this event .
some people looking at it as the 
" moonshadow ansteorran tribute " 
and trying to come up with ways to make more money ,and thus a bigger donation at this event.
and then people like me , who are busy working out details , to make sure that the 
" royal huntsman tourney " 
is fun and goes off without a hitch .
( i'm donating targets in the baronies name, time , energy, marshaling, and kingdom level archery awards , in my name , and working with the people in charge to make this a well remembered and challenging event. )

thereby forgetting that there will be much more to this event than 
" just " kingdom arts and sciences, or "just " ansteorran tribute , 
or " just " ansteorran royal huntsman tourney ...

and also forgetting that having 3 events at once usually means that the autocrat has 3 migraines at once .

i find myself thoroughly enlightened . thanx 
be safe , be happy , have fun 
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