[Northkeep] Fw: [NR] wastelands defender

Faolan Macfarland faolanmacfarland at cox.net
Sun Apr 24 20:27:45 PDT 2005

   fyi for anyone who planned on participating.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: jan hamen 
To: ansteorra ansteorra ; northern ansteorra 
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: [NR] wastelands defender

greetings to the list, 

     Wastelands Defender XI is rapidly approaching ( april 29 thru may 1, 2005) and I realized I left out two very important words in the event announcement.  If you are planning on submitting a work to our A & S championship, to win, you must have documentation.  I am sorry I forgot to include that in the annoucement.  If you have any questions, please email me at jhamen at yahoo.com.  Hope to see you there, 

keina greenleaf


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