[Northkeep] Boxing Day Invitation

Carl Chipman cchipman at nomadics.com
Sun Dec 18 12:41:11 PST 2005

It's that time of year again! Spend     Christmas with your family, and then come over and spend Boxing Day with your friends! How much     more fun can the holidays be? :-)

April and     I will be hosting our traditional Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) party     at our house. There will be the typical and traditional feasting and     festivities happening, along with any other activities you may
have     gotten for Christmas that you want to show off to everyone. :-) We will be     feeding everyone a traditional Christmas dinner (turkey, ham, taters,     casseroles, etc) in appreciation of being our friends and supporting     us throughout the year.  There is no need to bring anything, but please bring anything you want to share.  Please also feel free to invite anyone as cool are you are :)

The     party will be less kid friendly as the night goes on, so be warned     :)

We are contemplating beginning around 5pm, with the trough to open     around
7pm. Feel free to come and go, or arrive early, but be prepared to     be put
to work if you arrive too early! :-)

Use your favorite     mapping program (mapquest etc) or this link
(http://www.cchipman.com/images/jp%20house.jpg)     to find the route to our
house. Address is 115 N. Grandview

May     your holiday season be festive,
Carl and     April

P.S.  There's already rumours of a Great Dalmuti Game organizing, so bring crazy hats...

Carl Chipman
Nomadics, Inc.

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