[Northkeep] Gratitude

Trudy yrmentrude_sigsdottir at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 4 21:23:54 PDT 2006

As you walk through the doors of the library for the first time and look upon the full numbers of people cramped into a room, dressed in funny clothes, talking funny, and vivat-ing loudly, a sudden feeling of fight or flight sets in.  You ask yourself, what is this all about, what is the purpose, and why did I just walk through these doors?  Well, I will tell you why:  because the Barony of Northkeep was established and raised to a greatness of people who present themselves as a proud group of people who deeply care for the society and that is a hard example to walk away from.  They know that flight is not an option.  Each new face peeking through is not seen as an invasive, but rather instantly becomes a potential member of the Northkeep family and is surrounded by open arms to set fears at ease.  Friendship is offered and hands are extended - always.  Such generosity of spirit is a difficult find.
  With all this I would like to say that Castellan was my first event.  Moreover, it was my first attempt at serving the Barony with what little I have to offer; and I was graciously accepted and supported by everyone. Their Excellencies, Houses, single individuals humbly acting alone - some choosing anonymity, officials, and more experienced passersby - all took the time to care for my efforts.  Without the covering of their wings, I would not have so much to give.
  I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who has taken the time to make Northkeep the Barony of Choice.  Thanks to all who have shown me friendship and care and I look forward to many more Castellans with you.  Vivat Northkeep!!!!!!!!

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