Katrina Harrell ladyjehanettelechat at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 1 14:59:57 PST 2006

Ever wanted to take your lady dancing? Don't know an english round? Don't know right foot from clap? 
  HERE is your NIGHT! 
  Here is your turn to make a turn 
  there will be a dancing and laughing.
  I ask that you be there in no or complete finery as we learn to dance the dances of ansteorra. 
  All of the ladies attending gulf war it will give you a  reason to attend the hall to dance the night away. Feel as though you really are the sweet daughter of a second class nobleman flirting your way into a title between twirls and harp... 
  Or perhaps you are attending gulf a single man, and want to make the expereince a little more ENTERTAINING to bring yourself to the time where the lord went to the ball and had the ladies complementing him on his moves on and off the field ;)  
  Wither you want to know, have nothing to do, or are looking for the extra umph to your game attend MARTIN regional TONIGHT 6ish o'clock


Lady Jehanette
Chatelaine Le Northkeep

"ils les combattent boivent et ils dorment avec ou avec dehors une femme de l'eau"
"They Fight, They Drink, and They Sleep with or without a waterbearer..."
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