[Northkeep] Fiber Arts, Labor Day, Tent Poles?

Jerry Herring j.t.herring at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 26 06:25:13 PDT 2009

A suggestion was mentioned at Officers meeting on Monday and I would like to present that now...

Would it be possible to turn this day at Zahava and Ayla's into a Northkeep Baronial Workday\cookout and if so could we add the Baronial Inventory to the list of things to acomplish? What that would mean is first thing we would unload the trailer, count everything, take assessment of its condition, repair any leaks in the trailer clean it with bleach and then lace it with the damp-rid stuff that Dona Therese mentioned...and then put it all back into the trailer. 

Now there are a few other possible things that could occur here:
1. The ladies who are concerned with the purchasing of new kitchen supplies for the Barony could use this time to ascertain what is needed and concoct a shopping list.
2. We could add that sub floor to the trailer that has been mentioned a few times if everything were in place to do so. Which would be a few 2x4s and some plywood (right?)
3. If anyone has any Baronial Stuff that could be brought out to be accounted for an recorded for the inventory.

If we can do the inventory then the trailer would need to be moved from the Will Rogers Scout Ranch to the house in Tulsa and likely this move would have to happen on Thursday since most people are leaving out for War or Valor on Friday.

Also I have found a collection Northkeep Baronial tabbards that are white and I remember them as servers tabbards...these have had the round red badge removed from them and those need to be sewn back on...so if the fiber arts people wanted something in line with a Baronial Project to do that day then they could sew the badges back on the tabbards.

If this is acceptable would Zahava or Ayla please let us know ASAP?


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