[Northkeep] Fiber Arts & More!

Melissa VonAschen aylavonaschen at gmail.com
Sun Jun 28 23:25:43 PDT 2009


It is my pleasure to announce that Northkeep will soon resume regular fiber
arts gatherings, formerly known as Needleworkers, beginning Monday, July 6th
and continuing on the first Monday of the month each month after unless
otherwise noted on an as needed basis.

Also, if the populace would like, this meeting can be open to other
compatible A&S projects as well.  And for the non-fiber combatible projects,
Zahava will be opening up the shop in the back yard for wood-working and
possibly other shop type stuff, but you'd have to talk to her for details on

Anyway, the address is 929 S. Canton Ave, which is located a few blocks east
of Yale and a few blocks north of 11th street.  I will post a
reminder closer to the date of the first meeting.  If you have any questions
you can reach me via email or phone using the info found below.

Also, as His Excellency pointed out at Officer's meeting, others who
were/are interested in possibly hosting this meeting at their house, could
still do so perhaps on a night other than Monday.  The more the merrier!

aylavonaschen at gmail.com
(405) 343-8566

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