[Northkeep] Do you want to help Northkeep?

Jerry Herring j.t.herring at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 13 07:13:23 PDT 2009

There  are a few things that it would be nice to have volunteers for that I would like to talk about in this missive...these are not offices, just areas that would help the Barony.

1. We have at our disposal a reminders list that many of us are subscribed to. I have since I was Seneschal of Northkeep done the administration of that Yahoo group list. I would like to find some one in Northkeep willing to take over that responsibility and keep it up to date. The party responsibile would need regular access to a computer with email and would need to set up a Yahoo ID. Interested parties should email me privately.

2. It would be great if some one in Northkeep were willing to take over Needleworkers; offering their home for people to come to once a month for a casual evening where people can work on projects and seek advice or aid for arts and sciences projects. If you have a home in the Greater Tulsa area that you are willing to open to host this please let us know.

3. Namron has these really informative after meeting notes posted on their email list, it would be nice if Northkeep had some one willing to do the same. If you are interested in providing such a service to the Barony please let us know.


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