[Northkeep] Do you want to help Northkeep?

Melissa VonAschen aylavonaschen at gmail.com
Thu May 14 09:08:42 PDT 2009

I also would be willing and able to host the needleworkers meeting every
month.  I didn't post to the list when I first saw this yesterday because I
figured I should confirm it with the other people that live in the house
first but it would be no problem.  Also, we are kid friendly so finding a
babysitter wouldn't be necessary.  The only hitch could be that we have cats
and a dog, so for those with allergies that could be an issue, (keeping the
cats out of the fiber stuff might seem like an issue, but I've not generally
had a problem with it, and most of the cats tend to make themselves scarce
when there's company).  On the upside, we are only about a mile and a half
from where needleworkers was being hosted at Faolin's house, so for those
used to going to midtown for the meetings, that doesn't change.

(who is hoping this will be a good way to get me into lots of weaving again,
now that I've graduated and have time for it again)

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Jerry Herring <j.t.herring at sbcglobal.net>wrote:

> Greetings,
> There  are a few things that it would be nice to have volunteers for that I
> would like to talk about in this missive...these are not offices, just areas
> that would help the Barony.
> 1. We have at our disposal a reminders list that many of us are subscribed
> to. I have since I was Seneschal of Northkeep done the administration of
> that Yahoo group list. I would like to find some one in Northkeep willing to
> take over that responsibility and keep it up to date. The party responsibile
> would need regular access to a computer with email and would need to set up
> a Yahoo ID. Interested parties should email me privately.
> 2. It would be great if some one in Northkeep were willing to take over
> Needleworkers; offering their home for people to come to once a month for a
> casual evening where people can work on projects and seek advice or aid for
> arts and sciences projects. If you have a home in the Greater Tulsa area
> that you are willing to open to host this please let us know.
> 3. Namron has these really informative after meeting notes posted on their
> email list, it would be nice if Northkeep had some one willing to do the
> same. If you are interested in providing such a service to the Barony please
> let us know.
> Kindly,
> Ian
> Baron
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