[Northkeep] Running Around At Practice

Angus MacKnochard glnn_jhn at yahoo.com
Fri May 22 06:42:56 PDT 2009

Anyone that attends any northkeep function, public or private, who cannot be controlled, will be asked to leave.
If it is your child, and you cannot, or will not, control them, you will be asked to leave.
If anyone or anything is damaged due to the actions of you or your children, 
you will be responsable for the repair/replacement costs. 
there is no need to rope off the adults to protect them from the children. 
Children WILL be controlled, or made to leave.
If you cannot control them do not bring them.
The VFW is a storehouse of Priceless memorabilia. 
We are honored to use their facilities. 
Every soul that enters will respect, and honor the building and everything whithin, or be made to leave. 
If these rules are not accecptable, or unclear, then you need to contact me and I will explain it to you personally.
 Angus MacKnochard Bagadur
Seneschal Northkeep
snerta er vald 

From: "aoife at cableone.net" <aoife at cableone.net>
To: northkeep at lists.ansteorra.org
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:57:12 PM
Subject: [Northkeep] Running Around At Practice

I can image the dismay at the ruined scrolls!  Perhaps a "roped off" area
would be a solution...something like the ropes and stanchions for a list
field deliniating an area that they "must" not go beyond.  Sometimes a visual
barrier is more effective than telling them "don't run-don't go there.


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