[Northkeep] Grub N Garb Thanks

Susan O'Neal catmafia03 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 1 09:29:01 PST 2011

Sounds like you need a trip to Swan lake; they may only have 2 swans
swimming, but they will have a floatilla of ducks waiting attendance.  Too
bad we don't have an active dance guild, that would take care of the Lords a
Leaping for you in a few days.  HL Adalia did a great job with the Gold
Rings the other day.  For Maids a Milking, if you were up to a drive to
Swans in Claremore you could go watch the cows be milked at Swan's Diary.
And for the end of your 12 days of Christmas on Epiphany there historically
has been a bonfire of Christmas Trees in Tulsa, I'm not sure if they do that
anymore or not.

My memory for things I try learning now is pretty sketchy, especially if I
just hear something.  I'm still doing pretty good for the past and remember
most of the stuff I learned about the Tulsa area.  Knowing that you are new
to the area, I hope I can share some of the fun and interesting things to
see in the area.  I went and looked up the song as I never remember lyrics
and below are my suggestions.

*O*n the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve drummers drumming,  (a trip to the Philharmonic possibly or high
school band practice-we might even still have a Drum and Pipe Corp that
meets downtown, last I knew they met near Vetrans Park)
Eleven pipers piping, (Echo the Drum and Pipe Corp, it would make your
Scottish Heart proud.)
Ten lords a-leaping, (Well, there is the ballet and Ismet might have
information about the local folk dancing group if it is still in existance.)
Nine ladies dancing, (The above in liew of a local dance guild.  With all of
the teens I noticed at G&G, if someone has the music and can lead dancing it
looks like a great niche to fill.  We had so much fun with Anna, Gio, and
Rosamund did dancing when we first joined, some of my fondest memories.)
Eight maids a-milking, (Swans' Dairy in Claremore)
Seven swans a-swimming, (Swan Lake is off of Utica just to the north of St
John Hosipital, for those who haven't been there it is a delight)
Six geese a-laying, (They wouldn't be laying at this time of year, but I
think Swan Lake should have at least 6 geese swimming, eating, or doing
other goosely persuits.)
Five golden rings, (Adalia provided the editable version, but there are many
jewlrey stores, and also thrift shops and pawn shops that have rings.  I'm
just sad we don't have a Carosel you could ride and reach for the rings.  As
to if we have any equestrians locally who could do the delightful gathering
of rings with a lance, I don't know but it would be fun to watch.)
Four calling birds, (I can think of a member or two in the populace who have
talking birds, I was never sure if this is what they meant by calling
birds.  We have two Budgies, but will work to remember your allergies to
feathers and keep them at a distance.)
Three French hens, (I had these and lost all of them, the Houdan
one of these and they are spectacular looking.  I went looking for pictures
and found this link that mentions that the original carol was refering to
garden variety chickens and I have far more than 3 of,
http://www.frugalistagardener.com/en/?q=node/100; and there is the
resteraunt The French
Two turtle doves, (From reading, I don't think we have these here and the
Mourning Dove looks very similer, I have plenty in the yard.)
And a partridge in a pear tree! (I have not branced into pheasent (yet), but
do have the partidge cochin in both standard and banty hens and also a
magnificent Partidge Rooster and a pear tree-they could be compelled to pose
for you.

It sounds like you need to come up to visit for tea again.  Your chair is
pulled up by the stove and I'll turn it on to keep you toasty and you can
tell some stories.  I'll even make shortbread for you.
Susan the Curious

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 10:07 PM, willowdewisp at juno.com <
willowdewisp at juno.com> wrote:

> Thank you for the Thank you's. I was happy to do it. I was suffering from a
> lack of Christmas decoration.
> I am still singing the 12 days of Christmas song.
> Happy 7th day of Christmas!! 7swans a swimming.
> Yours
> willow
> _____

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