[Northkeep] on the humorous side

Hugh & Belinda Niewoehner burgborrendohl at valornet.com
Wed Mar 30 07:39:53 PDT 2011

I forward most of my messages and any I think of interest to my lord 
since he doesn't subscribe to the list.  Being Damon, he can't resist 
adding humorous commentary and I thought I'd share.

Remember, this is my husband's weird humor and not to be taken seriously.

To the question of what distinguishes the Northern Region from the rest 
of the Kingdom?

"A dislike of Texas"

 From the rest of the Knowne World?:

"A dislike of Texas"

To my comment:

> But how you sum that up in symbolism, a single phrase, name, etc. I 
> couldn't begin to guess.  The Marines have symbols of extreme self 
> sacrifice which we all recognize, but I feel their form of sacrifice 
> far outweighs anything most of us will ever do.

Semper Gumby!  Always flexible.



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