[Northkeep] Wiesenfeuer Baronial Bardic Competition

Kevin Valliquette grimolfr at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 17:33:37 PDT 2014

Posted on behalf of Their Excellencies Ciaran and Branislava. Please
cross-post to lists or groups you deem relevant but have not seen this

At Wiesenfeuer Baronial, the Bard of Wiesenfeuer will be chosen by Their
Excellencies and will be asked to serve as Champion for a year.
Declarations of intent are requested, and may be given in any medium either
in advance or in person up to and including the day of the event.

Their Excellencies' Champion of the Bardic Arts should be willing to
perform the following duties over the course of that year:

* Perform upon command-
Sometimes Their Excellencies will need a Bard on the spot; be ready.
* Teach and share your art-
Mentor a student, teach a class, help others learn to do what you do.
* Promote community-based music in the Barony-
Their Excellencies would love to hear the populace making music together.
Would you host a sing-along at events, organize a music guild, hand out a
songbook, and/or host a bardic circle?
* Be an Ambassador for the Barony-
Represent and promote Wiesenfeuer in the wider community of bards, to other
groups, in other kingdoms, to the public and newcomers.
* Protect and defend new bards and newcomers-
Encourage and teach those who are beginning the journey you have made to be
a Champion, be a positive voice of support for new folks and defend them
from naysayers.
* Promote the bardic arts-
Find and make opportunities for performance and sharing in the Barony,
serve as a liason for bards in the Barony to find each other, help the
bardic community in the Barony grow and be recognized.
* Make an original piece for the Barony-
Create something for Wiesenfeuer, whether it be a song, a play, a story, a
poem, a dance,whatever you can make and perform.
* Learn a period piece-
In any genre, bring a piece from history to the Barony.

With a view to finding a Champion who can and will strive to fulfill these
duties during their tenure, Their Excellencies issue a Quest to all those
who would vie for the honor to serve the Barony of Wiesenfeuer as its Bard.

Complete as many of the following Challenges as you will during Saturday of
Wiesefeuer Baronial. Some challenges must occur in the presence of one or
both of Their Excellencies, and some may be performed for certain
representatives as They may designate. All challenges are optional and
creativity in meeting them will be appreciated. There will be no points
system, but the challenges will serve to aid Their Excellenices in choosing
well their Champion. Bard on!

1. Perform at the tavern.
2. Try something new and tell Us about it.
3. Bring forth some news of the day's events.
4. Perform on command when We request it.
5. Learn, present, and/or perform something from the history of Wiesenfeuer.
6. Teach someone(s) a song.
7. Perform for an audience of children.
8. Wordfame- bring Us praise for any person, present or not.

More information about how to participate will be available at troll for
those who wish to vie for the Championship. Cheers!

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