[Northkeep] Fwd: [Ansteorra] Ansteorra Marshallate Authorization Expirations

Adalia adalia.nyx at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 09:07:10 PST 2014

The following individuals have authorizations that are recently or are
about to expire:

Angus Gunn
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Carrick ni Eadbhard
Armored Combat           : 03/15
Fiberglass Spear         : 03/15
Armored Combat Marshal   : 03/15

Cian Rhys Gravenor
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal but not a current Thrown Weapons Marshal
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Karl Thorgeirsson
Rapier Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Siege Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Combat Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Target Archery Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
Thrown Weapons Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file

Samuel ap Dewi
Combat Archery Auth Marshal but not a current Combat Archery Marshal

Thorvald Egilsson
Youth Boffer Auth Marshal but not a current Youth Boffer Marshal

Timothy Le Corbusier
Cut And Thrust           : 03/15

Toinette de Cambrai
Siege                    : 02/15

Ulf Arnfinnson
Armored Combat Auth Marshal without updated membership information on file
HL Adalia VonderBerg

“I know that in life there will be sickness, devastation, disappointments,
heartache - it's a given. What's not a given is the way you choose to get
through it all. If you look hard enough, you can always find the bright

― Rashida Jones

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