[Northkeep] Crash space needed

Jerry Herring jherring68 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 23:56:55 PDT 2014

I have been contacted by a Lady Bronwen Castellanos de la Torre Brillante
from the Barony of Small Grey Bear in Little Rock Arkansas. She is in need
of assistance with transport and crash space for 10 days to two weeks for
some important medical treatments in Jenks OK. She has an appointment on
Monday and hopes to shortly be accepted to a hospitality home near the
hospital, Bronwen has procured a ride to Muldrow Oklahoma but may need
transport from there to Tulsa. She seems really friendly and tells me that
she is traveling with about 216 cubic feet of stuff. She mentioned that she
has a very small amount of funds available to assist in costs something
like $50 per week. She said that camping in someones backyard was an
acceptable option. Please if you have room for this lady and her things let
me know ASAP. She could really use our help.


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